What is the enneagram?
Spiritually Speaking
Opening the Nine Portfolios of the enneagram
Discipleship Development
Discerning Your Core Discipleship Stance
Discipleship Stances - Listening to God
Discipleship Stances - Listening to Others
Discipleship Stances - Listening to the World Around Us
Leadership Development
Team & Organizational Development
The Enneagram & Coaching
Heart-Brain Leadership
Investments of Heart & Mind
A Comparison between DiSC, MBTI & Other Systems
Congregational Development
The Enneagram & Love
Building on your strengths
Workshop & Coaching Offerings
Informational Flyers for Congregational Leadership Boards, Chaplains, Stephen Ministers and those who work with Hospice
About Jeff
MOST RECENT FEEDBACK: July 14, 2018 Cross & Crown Matthews, NC
Additional Feeedback from 2018 and other years
Contact me
One Day Seminar
Enneagram & Discipleship Cross & Crown Lutheran Church in Matthews, NC
July 14, 2018
16 of 19 participants returned evaluation forms; 9 were totally new to the enneagram.
Would you recommend this workshop to a friend?
All 16 respondents said yes.
General comments:
"I appreciate your knowledge and enthusiasm and humor!"
“One of the strengths of the seminar is Jeff’s personality and humor - I appreciated that”
"Presentation excellent I think the whole event worked well."
"A great deal of information, too much to share in one day! "
How would you see using what you learned today personally?
"Being less judgmental on initially meeting people."
“Recognizing that others are processing in different ways than me."
"Look at others maybe differently, why they are like they are, or do what they do”
"Relating to/connecting with family and friends."
"In how it works with personal relationships, ex-boyfriend & son"
“Become more aware of how I can take on healthy 9 aspects in my work - move from fear into action”
"I will read more about my wings."
"This will help me understand myself and others."
"Understanding how to communicate better with my husband."
How would you see using what you learned today for your spiritual growth?
“Thoroughly enjoyed this class.”
"Growing into my best reflection of Christ’s face."
“This will help me grow spiritually along with centering prayer possibly."
"Using the Psalm 51 portion as prayer."
"Let my spiritual growth apply to personalities I find difficult to deal with/"
"Pray more for understanding."
"Focus more on my 8 wing and healthiest aspects of 1 wing, 6 and 3 (disintegration and integration)."
"Want to look again at spiritual practices most appropriate to me."
"Would love to learn more on this."
"This was almost too much information to absorb in 1 workshop. A lot to take in at one sitting”
How would you see using what you learned today in your congregational life?
“I need to understand my next place in the church”
"With my colleagues
What is the enneagram?
Spiritually Speaking
Opening the Nine Portfolios of the enneagram
Discipleship Development
Discerning Your Core Discipleship Stance
Discipleship Stances - Listening to God
Discipleship Stances - Listening to Others
Discipleship Stances - Listening to the World Around Us
Leadership Development
Team & Organizational Development
The Enneagram & Coaching
Heart-Brain Leadership
Investments of Heart & Mind
A Comparison between DiSC, MBTI & Other Systems
Congregational Development
The Enneagram & Love
Building on your strengths
Workshop & Coaching Offerings
Informational Flyers for Congregational Leadership Boards, Chaplains, Stephen Ministers and those who work with Hospice
About Jeff
MOST RECENT FEEDBACK: July 14, 2018 Cross & Crown Matthews, NC
Additional Feeedback from 2018 and other years
Contact me