The Enneagram in business: |
Although thousands of organizations worldwide use the Enneagram in a variety of business applications, The Enneagram In Business Network studied 72 companies who were using the Enneagram intensively to dramatically develop their leaders and teams; enhance emotional intelligence and interpersonal competence among their employees; and catalyze culture change. Download the file below to see what they learned.
Tired of workplace drama? Frustrated by high turnover rates and the associated costs? In an April 22, 2015 article for, Karlyn Borysenko says that some argue the reason for high turnover rates and job dissatisfaction stems from the fact that "employers are not equipped to rapidly promote, develop, and reward their employees in ways that aren’t simply monetary."
This makes sense to me and I believe whether you are an employer, employee or simply trying to survive workplace or relationship drama, I can help. Over the course of these last 21 years of ministry I have walked with low level and high level personnel as well as small and large business owners. Within the congregations I have served I have observed and been impacted by many of their decisions. Many people have shared with me their experience of the “real world”. I have seen what it costs organizations when leaders make decisions born from their own anxieties and become reactive rather than responsive. I have also seen the huge dividends paid when decisions are made by persons whose commitment to their own health (body, mind and Spirit) ensures the health of the organization. Decisions are intentional, thoughtful and responsive. So I think you'd agree that it's one thing to have persons around you who can assess their situation and adjust accordingly. It's quite another to have persons who have the skills to assess themselves within a situation and adjust accordingly. Ensuring you have persons skilled in the latter can reduce workplace drama and thereby decrease turnover and increase productivity. |
Click to learn the benefits the enneagram provides in a business setting. Note: start the podcast at the 13 minute 24 second mark or to cut to chase start at the 24 minute 35 second mark. Enneagram teacher Wendy Appel provides a great explanation of the enneagram at the 26 minute mark. |